Monday, May 15, 2006

Jack The Track

I was very fortunate to have grown up with three very special Uncles. There was even a time when I actually had the opportunity to live with them as a child when my Mom moved back home to live with her parents with my brother and I for a short time.

But I have to say that out of all three of these Uncles, my Uncle Jack was my favorite and today we have a very close relationship even though we live across the country from each other. I mean how many Uncles do you know actually call you several times a week to just chat.

So when Uncle Jack calls me and ends up getting my voice mail instead of me, he generally starts out his message with "I love you" and ends it with "give me a jingle". But it seems lately when I return his call, I always end up getting him at the track, the Horse Track. This has happened so much in the last few weeks that I actually asked him if he was having an affair with a horse. His response was typical Uncle Jack, "I am tending to a sick horse". Well, that horse has to be pretty damn sick even close to death for the amount of times he is there. He is there so much that now when he calls he gives me his race track schedule. "If you call me Wednesday thu Sunday in the early part of the day, I will probably be at the track". Then he adds," calling me on Monday and Tuesday is the best".

So now Uncle Jack has developed a Social Schedule for the Race Track .

And I have decided to give him a new name Jack The Track.

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