Sunday, April 15, 2007

We Are Ready, Maybe

In anticipation of the expected Nor'easter that is in the process of making its way up to our neck of the woods, the flower containers have been brought indoors and the flowers boxes that need to remain outside have been relocated to a safer spot where the expected high winds will not cause as much damage. As far as I know this storm will bring us a cold wintry mix of nonsense generally not seen here in April. The worse part of all this is the weather is not expected to be anywhere near springtime - like - temperatures until the very end of next week.

Highs of 46 is not spring, folks. I say 46 very loosely too for it is still bordering around 35.

Again, what happened to spring? Did spring not receive the email I sent last week, that it is April? You know that particular time of the year when the weather is warmer, the flowers bloom and the birds sing. When the winter coats are stored away and the spring jackets are brought out. The time of year were we wear open toe shoes and Capri pants. I think this part of the country has been forgotten lately. I have a feeling winter is just going to turn into summer and spring is going to be lost this season. My poor poor poor spring bulbs. They may never have a chance to grow and blossom as they are suppose to do.

But then again, things could be worse;

Hello Spring. We are here awaiting, impatiently. Come out come out wherever you are.

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