Friday, July 21, 2006

Sum It Up

The end of a long week is how I state it. The week began with the oppressive heat and humidity of over one hundred degrees. After a few days of this god awlful or as my grandmother used to say suffocating heat we had one hell of a storm that blew down everything in sight including the flowers in my garden.

This week was my return to work after I spent six weeks home after shoulder surgery. Things in that department did not go as planned. After two days on restricted duty my shoulder/arm became inflamed so here I am home again until the inflammation and surrounding tendons calm down. Hopefully, I will be back to almost normal next week.

We are still living out of some boxes and probably will be for the near future. Slowly but surely the house is coming together. I am sure if I had total use of my dominate right arm things would move along a little faster but Oh well, what are ya gonna do?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Looks nice! Awesome content. Good job guys.