Thursday, October 12, 2006

Shaun's Definition Of Super Heros

Shaun "Pop Pop, my super powers are throwing fire and ice" (as he extends his hand palm up to prove his point)

Bill "Oh really. What do you think my super powers are?"

Shaun "singing"

Bill "What is Nikolas's super powers?"

Shaun "pooping"


Holli said...

Okay, after reading through these several of these posts... I realize that WHO I thought you were YOU are not! I guess you to be about 55-60. I mean you have three grown boys and grandkids... Bill (who I thought was your husband) and I'm totally blown away! You go girl! So, you are really going to have to post a summary of your life and let me in on who you really are! LOL! Anyways... Sept had some great stuff for you, I am TOTALLY jealous of the mountain weekend getaway (my husband would NEVER think of such a thing) and CONGRATS on the soon to be wedding. I think that's totally awesome! So, when's the date?

Holli said...

PS - I fell out of my chair over Nickolas' super powers of pooping! That is HYSTERICAL!

Patricia Marie said...

Hi Holli,
Hope you are reading comments. I will be 47 in February. I married young and also had my first child young. My oldest is 28, Josh is 24 and Joey is 23. Shaun is married to a great girl by the name of Trish and they have two boys ages 5 & 23 months. I was married 24 yrs to their father. I am now remarrying November 25th. I am glad I have not reached the 55-60 stage though at times I feel like I am that age......