Monday, November 13, 2006

Now That The Ballots Have Been Counted

I hope that those elected into office bring our country forward and do not get tangled up in pure rhetoric. I also hope that those elected do not take us backward in this fight against terrorists and I sincerely mean that.

There has been a lot of "outcry" over "Civil Rights" since President Bush put into effect such things as "wire-tapping". I wish people could see the picture beyond their own personal agenda. If "wire-tapping" can prevent another 2,000 people from being viciously murdered by folks who disregard human life then I think it is worth it.

I for one have felt "safer" flying. I am not sure I will continue to feel that way if the things that were put in place to protect us are taken away by some liberal-know-it-all.

If you are thinking at this point, "she must be a republican" then you will be surprised to know that I am actually a democrat. I guess I am a conservative democrat if there is even such a thing.

I just do not believe in "placing blame" and "throwing stones". Yes, I believe mistakes were made in this War in Iraq. But, I believe we went into it for the right reasons. I also believe it is time to get out. This is no ordinary war where we knew what we were up against. This is a war were folks have no respect for human life especially their own. In past wars, you knew who the enemy was. Here we have no idea who the enemy is. What we need to do is make our borders secure. Make our country strong so that we can have a defense against those out there willing to kill Innocent people like those in the World Trade Center.

I remember that day clearly. I was taking care of preop patients. The television was on in the waiting room when they broad-casted that the first tower was on fire. As I stood there watching the fire, I saw with my own eyes as the second plane hit that second tower. I also saw with my own eyes as they fell. I also saw with my own eyes the look of pure dread and shock on the face of our president when he was informed at that school what had happened. And please remember, he was in office less then nine months before this ball of messy wax was placed in his lap.

This event was years in the making before his time in office. However, because he was in office when it took place, those around him felt it necessary to place the blame entirely on him.

I remember driving home that day on Highway 95 and noticing the quiet. There were no planes flying overhead. There were no cars on the road. The entire City of Philadelphia was evacuated hours earlier. The phone lines remained jammed. No calls could be made nor any received. I remember feeling unsafe in my own country for the first time in my life. Let's face it not only did New York City get hit (which is only 2hrs away to our north) but so did Washington DC (3hrs away to our south) then one in our own state Pennsylvania. No, I did not feel safe that day. Another thing I noticed that day was the fighter jets as they flew up and down the Eastern Seaboard.

So as I stand here up on my political pulpit, I hope that those elected know what they are doing.

1 comment:

Pam said...

AMEN! you said it a lot more eloquently than i did. :)