Monday, September 26, 2011

Holistic Approach To Anxiety & Depression

The holistic approach to treating anxiety and depression recognizes that mental health is influenced by diet, exercise, spirituality and lifestyle. Allopathic approaches to mental health focus on treating symptoms, whereas holistic approaches address underlying causes of anxiety and depression and seek to restore the natural balance of your body and mind. According to Merriam-Webster, holistic medicine is interested in treating your whole system rather than separately analyzing its parts.

What you eat influences the balance of chemicals produced and released in your brain. According to Kathleen DeMaisons in "Potatoes Not Prozac," irregular eating habits and unbalanced meals cause depression and anxiety. DeMaisons recommends eating three regular meals a day with a significant source of protein at each meal. Protein contains enzymes that are used in the production of serotonin, dopamine and norepinephrine. Without sufficient protein, the brain can become deficient in these chemicals, resulting in depression and anxiety. DeMaisons also recommends eating whole grains and vegetables with each meal to prevent mood swings and provide healthy nutrients for your brain.

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According to Dr. Henry Emmons in "The Chemistry of Joy," regular vigorous exercise is the best, free way to improve your mood. Studies looked at in Dr. Emmons' book show that regular exercise has been proved just as effective, and sometimes more effective, than psychotherapy and medication. According to the U.S. Department of Health's "Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans," moderate exercise three to five times a week for 30 to 60 minutes is enough to provide mental health benefits. Changes in brain chemistry levels can take place in as few as two to four weeks of an exercise program.

Emotional Acceptance
Repressing emotions leads to depression and anxiety. Emotions are a practical guidance system that helps you to learn and grow. Usually, when you acknowledge and accept your emotions in a non-judgmental manner, they dissipate and fade. If embracing an emotion does not alleviate it, you may need to examine the source of the emotion more closely. Working with a qualified therapist helps you to understand your emotions.

Vitamins, herbs, enzymes and oils are common supplements used to improve mental health. Common supplements used for holistic mental health care are vitamin D, fish oil, St. Johns wort and amino acid precursors Sam-E, 5-HTP, DL-Phenylalanine, L-Tyrosine and L-Tryptophan. Caution should be exercised in the use of supplements as many can have adverse affects and interact with other medications. Consult with your doctor before taking supplements.

Every person is different, so there is no specific formula for holistic healing. If one holistic treatment does not work, then try another. Frequently, several treatments, such as nutritional therapy, exercise and counseling, must be used together to result in recovery. Mind-body exercises such as yoga and tai chi have the potential to enhance fitness and improve emotional balance at the same time. Holistic approaches to mental health have the potential to greatly improve your quality of life and possibly reduce your reliance on psychiatric medications. Do not change your medications without consulting your doctor.

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