Thursday, September 27, 2012

And So

Here I am on a Thursday night wanting to write but coming up with writer's block? Perhaps? Great Therapy Session today. I now can consider myself the little girl lost within. Seriously, I cannot believe people actually pay to see people like me whom I am now paying someone like me to tell me things. I am probably a lost little girl inside. It is so damn complicated, it would take a year to figure it out let alone describe it. I feel like shit. End of story. Fix me.

Yes. Yes. Yes. I know change can only occur within the person. No one can fix anyone.

God, have I mentioned the amount of paperwork to take a FLM?

Or the amount of paperwork to get the short term disability, I have paid into my entire life? I purchased short and long term disability so I get paid when I am off.

That I cannot return to fulltime employment until the 22nd of October because I need to rest? I am already bored. I have asked for assignments to do at home. Nope! Cannot have any. Teaching? Nope!

Therapist will not slow down so they pulled out the big guns and said, "Rest". You can rejoin the insanity high pressured long hours on the 22nd. Ummm. It went something like this. "You pushed yourself for 20 months. It is time to slow down, regroup, address your attachment and loss issues".

Three against one. I lost. Sort of. A previous patient's parent had been trying to get ahold of me and my supervisor asked me if I could call him. Yes! Yes! Yes! Something productive to do.

Insert one hour and 15 minute break

As I was writing this my sister called me, so I placed this post on hold and chatted over a hour with her. It is great to have a sister. Yeah, I love my brothers, but a sister is different and we have much in common, though she out numbers me in grandchildren. She has three grandsons and a granddaughter. I have two grandsons and a granddaughter. Marianne told me she had been bringing little Sophia to work because her school is closed for holidays. Marianne was to take Joseph and Collin camping this weekend, but the trip was called off due to rain. I am sure they will end up at her shore house this weekend.

My posse support is arriving Saturday afternoon. I told them I needed them and here they shall be. They are even bringing the food and drink. Love those girls! I expect them around 2 or 3. We call ourselves "the posse" because we are a force united. How many friends does one have that actually plan to take their own personal vacation time to sit with one in a court room just for support. I am blessed. We had alot of fun at Donna's shore house this summer.

 Sometimes you just have to wonder why your best friend who you have known since age 14yrs old and was maid of honor in your first wedding at age 20yrs old is kissing a fake parrot.
I see tongue.

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