Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Is There a Title

I had the sweetest dream early this morning. I was laying in bed and my dog was laying next to me on her back with legs up in the air. (why? who knows. Oh, I do not have a dog) There was a little boy beside me and we were laughing and teasing each other. He told me he wanted his ninny. I told him it was in his crib. he told me to go get it. I told him to go get it. We laughed back and forth and he had the biggest smile. The little boy was Shaun. He was about two years old, the oldest of my grandchildren. The dream felt so real and felt so good. I woke up with a feeling of contentment.

Shaun always had that electric smile where his entire face would light up. He is going to be 12years old next month. Time goes by too quickly. I miss having little ones around but I am happy to have had such a sweet dream.

On to other stuff;

  • I made it off the chair yesterday
  • I even made it out the door to Lowes
  • Thought it was a good idea to buy bird seed
  • Maybe I can get birds over to the balcony
  • Every flower/plant/tree I tried to grow died out there
  • So why not use the vacant flower pots filled with dirt as bird feeders
  • I am sure I can't manage to kill the birds out there or maybe I can
  • Time will tell
  • In case you were wondering, the flowers/plants seem to stay alive indoors.
  • I may not be completely hopeless
  • White wine again in the house
  • No more red wine with ice cubes (gagging)
  • In a Great Wolf wine glass
Photo of the Day
"It's what's for breakfast"
Every single Blessed Day.

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