Sunday, September 11, 2016

I Adore and Love Aubree and My Sister Marianne

I had a wonderful weekend with Aubree at the shore. After a hectic journey down on Friday night (accident on the bridge that kept us in traffic two hours) we arrived safely and were on the beach by 830a the following morning.

 The excitement on this child's face as the waves of the ocean crashed down to the shore as the dolphins swam and the sea gulls flew above. It was something out of a storybook.

 After she had a nap, we headed to the board walk and the joy on her little face as she went on the rides was priceless.

 We had dinner and she tasted her first shrimp before we headed back to the beach house with a stop for ice cream.

This morning we went over to the airport restaurant where she saw the planes take off then we headed over to the Vietnam Museum where she sat in a helicopter. This child brings so much happiness to my life. Later this afternoon after we safely dropped her off to her home and came back to Plymouth Meeting, I spoke to my sister on the phone and she said something that really hit me. She told me she loved seeing the pictures of Aubree and said she was so sweet that she wished Aubree was hers. I was taken a back as there are times I envy my sister's life. She has so many friends and she travels to so many places and has much more freedom and money than I. I seemed to be always working and then too tired to do anything else and spend my weekends with grandchildren or my husband. I do not have a lot of friends and stay mainly to myself. I have always been that way. Give me a book and I am content to be alone. My sister has so much life and energy and I in compare seem so boring and dull. So it really shocked me when she made that statement about my granddaughter. She had just spent the weekend with friends and at the Bruce Springsteen concert then the Eagles game and I spent the weekend with my not yet 2 year old grandchild. I miss the days when my other grandchildren were younger and they still thought it was cool to be with grandmom. They are more interested in friends and activities these days.

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