Saturday, March 24, 2018


Definition of crocus. plural crocuses. 1 a plural also crocus or croci \ˈkrō-ˌkē, -ˌkī, -ˌsī\ : any of a genus (Crocus) of herbs of the iris family developing from corms and having solitary long-tubed flowers and slender linear leaves. (Merriam-Webster Dictionary)

More than ten inches of snow fell on the first day of Spring and despite the snow, one of the crocuses in my garden was brave enough to display its beautiful flower.

You have to give this small singular tubed flower credit for its bravery to poke its head out of the ground after the long cold months of winter. It's bloom is a rebirth of new life whereas the daffodils, hyacinths and tulips will follow.

January and February feel like the longest months of winter. Hello Spring. 

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