One of the receiving vaults in Westminster Cemetery. Receiving vaults were used to store the caskets of those who died in the winter months. Caskets could not be buried in cold winter months, because graves were dug by hand and the ground was too cold and hard to dig. When the grounds warmed up in the spring, the caskets would be interred into their proper plots.
I photographed this grave site because of this unusual round shaped headstone. I have no clue as what this type of stone stands for. Does anyone else have a clue?
Plot allocated for those infirmed at Inglis House, Home for the Incurables. Plot allocated for those in Methodist Episcopal Home. Plot allocated for those in Presbyterian Home for the Aged. Interesting enough the home was for aged couples or aged men. I guess if you were a female, you could only be housed here if you had a husband. Otherwise it was sorry sister. The last person to be interred in this plot was in 1936.
Children of Elizabeth Keller & her husband Charles. I believe the woman known as Eleanor was actually the wife of Charles Ringeisen Jr. Brother of Elizabeth and son of Frederick & Maria Keller. Elizabeth Keller and her husband.
View of the complete monument stones on their graves. Frederick was the youngest son of Jacob & Susannah Keller. Son of Frederick & Maria Keller and his wife. Frederick was not only the third son of Jacob & Susannah Keller, but he was the younger brother of my great great grandfather John Gottlieb Keller. Wife of Frederick.
Left to right; Matt, Kathleen, John, Paul, Brian, Eric, Aunt Polly & Uncle Jack. Children left to right; Kendell, Ali, Shea, Finn, Reilly & William. Aunt Polly & Uncle Jack (born John Patrick Gallagher second born child of William Joseph II & Anna Marie McCaffery Gallagher)