Thursday, September 13, 2012

Process with Progress

Has been started as of today. I made some important decisions and followed it up with action. It is just the beginning, but at least it is a beginning.

On another note, I am not feeling well. My blood pressure is up again. I have been worried about my uncle Jack who resides in California and have kept in touch with my cousin. I am worried about my uncle Gene who resides in New Jersey. Both uncles are in the hospital. My mom has been by their bed sides and when she left the one in California to be with the one in New Jersey, she was filled with guilt and worry. Both my sister and I are worried about our mother who is doing the caretaking and now struggling with all the anxiety, fear, exhaustion on her own. I spent some late nights talking with her, my sister and cousin. I am so glad "superwoman" actually agreed to have someone help her. My Dad went down today.

Seems to be a trait within my family. Women trying to to help everyone else without asking for help themselves. No wonder, we crash and burn at times. But we always get up and move forward. I told my sister if our mother did not slow down, I was going to kidnap her to an undisclosed location without cell phones or computers. Thank God, I have a sister.

I feel the days ahead will be tough.

My husband has been great.

I think I am more focused today and less scattered than yesterday. I have taken advantage of my intern whom I trained in June and will be with us for a year. He has been an amazing help with my patient caseload this week.

I set some new boundaries last night.

God granted me intelligence. I have used it. I intend to really use it.

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