Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Porcelain God

This past weekend I was blessed with a stomach virus that had the gull to last three days. Statistically speaking, they last on an average of between 24 to 48 hours. Of course, in this case, I could not just be average. Grant it, I was exposed to those nasty little germs several times over the past two weeks. First by my two little grandsons, then from my son, then from my two little grandsons again and finally from Bill. Of course like most close families we like to share and this virus was no exception. But really, after seven days of my last exposure, I should have been sailing in the clear, After all this is what the medical statistics state. Incubation periods last 24 to 60 hours between exposure to illness. But lucky me, when I finally thought I beat the virus, I along with those before me paid homage to the porcelain god. And pay, I did.

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