Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Working Ahead

The next few weeks are going to be nothing short but insane for me so I have decided to write articles for my blog in advance but post them day by day as ususal. Hopefully, I can keep up with the pace but if I fall short of any postings, those of you who follow "A Journey Into The Past" and "Child Lost" will have a head's up.

This Friday I will be having surgery on my right shoulder which will make it difficult to write for a while. (Why can't I be left handed) I had an injury at work in February that refuses to heal with conservative treatment. Which really stinks because I have already made plans for a short Florida vacation June 30th to July 4th. And to really make this interesting, I have settlement on a new house July 5th. But thank God for family because they have already volunteered to pitch in and help. There is no way I will be carrying any boxes on moving day. I will be lucky if I will be able to reach my right arm over my head. That is something I have not been able to do very well in the last few months. Anyway, after endless months working in pain, (Living on advil and Licoderm pain patches) I will venture out and place myself under the knife. ( I must be crazy) But what choice do I have, I love my job and it requires a steady arm to draw blood from a patient. (I believe my patients would appreciate a steady arm)

Maybe when this surgery thing is all over and I am no longer screaming in pain and wishing death on anyone brave enough to come within five feet of me, I will share the graphic details my surgeon felt it necessary to share with me two weeks ago. (You know, that step by step manual of how to cut a shoulder open) I will never understand why every surgeon feels the need to explain in GREAT DETAIL what they intend to do to you while you are BLESSEDLY KNOCKED OUT.

1 comment:

KarinGal said...

Yikes -- good luck with your very full plate of activities. Try to take it easy, if you's summertime, after all! ;)