Monday, June 19, 2006

Who Is This Kid

I was taken over by an alien. Do not let the cute face fool you because behind all that cuteness is a demon with the power to control the universe around him. I know because it happen to me first hand and I had to ask , "Who are you and what have you done with Nikolas"?

Nikolas is my sweet and gentle grandson who takes a nap everyday, goes to bed by 8p everynight and listens to his MOM MOM.

But the kid who came to visit yesterday was not any of these things. He was someone who did not listen, would not take a nap and refused to go to bed until 10p. His vocabulary that generally consists of about fifty or more words was reduced to just a few; NO NO NO, MINE MINE MINE and GIVE ME GIVE ME GIVE ME. At one point, I looked upward to the heavens and shouted "Stop It Stop It Stop It".

At first, I thought maybe my son dropped off someone else's kid. Or that maybe while Nikolas was asleep some other life form climbed into his bedroom window during the night and crawled into that sweet and gentle body. At one point during his outburst of NO NO NO, GIVE ME GIVE ME and MINE MINE MINE, I thought horns would surely grow out from each side of his head. I even considered looking for the numbers 666 on his skull.

He insisted on climbing up on the coffee table then the kitchen table before climbing fully clothed into the tub. He insisted on jumping on the bed then the the sofa, playing with the outlets, flushing the toilet nonstop and finally biting his older brother Shaun squarely on his back. (left teeth marks and all).

Then something incredible happened.

He went to sleep and when he awoke, the demon alien was gone and he was back to being that sweet and gentle loving child, we all know and love.

There can only be two conclusions to these turn of events; he really was possessed by an alien or my sweet darling Nikolas has entered the stage of THE TERRIBLE TWOS.


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