Thursday, November 02, 2006

Halloween Left-Overs

Dear Milky Way Bar,

How I love thee with all your carmel and nougat. It is pure ecstasy to take that first bite into your rich velvet smooth chocolate. I love thee so much that I can hear you as you call to me from the kitchen counter. I know I must present will power and control. But how can I when you will not get out of my mind. I have become obsessed with just the mere thought of you. Who cares that they call you a "fun size". It just gives me the excuse to eat more then just one of you. And more of you I will eat for I will go crazy without the taste of your creamy texture within my mouth. The only solution to this heart rendering problem is that I just go back upstairs and eat all of you until there is nothing left but a crumb which of course I will need to lick tenderly from my finger tips.

The Chocolate Addict

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