Friday, April 11, 2008

Another First For Ava Marie

Today, we took advantage of the beautiful weather and introduced our granddaughter to Valley Green.
Ava has a fascination with "ducks" and so we decided to allow her to experience "real ducks" in the wild or in our neighborhood park.
I know I have said this before on previous posts.
But, this is the same park, my own grandfather took me to on numerous occasions to fish when I was a little girl.
To take my own grandchildren to this place gives me the opportunity to experience it once again through their eyes.

Now, I have the opportunity to experience it yet again through another set of eyes and that is of my granddaughter, little Ava.

The excitement and joy of watching this little girl experience this beautiful place of peace & tranquility was simply amazing.

This is just the first of many visits we intend to make to this wonderful place.
Guess who we ran into while walking in the Wissahickon park?
Puddles a.k.a Puggles with her new owner. We were so happy to see her.

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