Monday, April 07, 2008

Because I Am Nice Like That

I gave Bill about a dozen photos (old & new) to scan and email me "via" his computer to my computer, so I can use them in the book.

In other book related news, my cousin Karin sent me several pictures and John is suppose to write a story or two for me to add. She also gave me some good advice considering she has been a writer & editor for fifteen years. She told me to remember that sometimes less is best. I will keep that in mind as I sort through all the pages and have to decide which ones stay and which ones go. I wish she lived closer, because I value her opinion, and it would have been great to get her input first hand.

I will meet another distance cousin (Terry) in May who is from the Cafferty Family. She was nice enough to send me some death records/grave site pictures of the family. She also gave me valuable Cafferty information.

I am very fortunate to have made contact with so many distance family members from all over the world. It is because of them that I have been able to piece all the puzzles together. I know so much about my grandmother's family, because of all the family members (Boland, Cafferty, McCaffery & Malervy) that found my site and emailed me. I am especially grateful to Helen Nicholson for helping me connect the dots of the Boland/Malervy Families. She gave me some clues, which I promptly researched and discovered all those missing pieces. It still amazes me how one piece of information can lead to a ton of information. It was as though, I was peeling back the layers of an onion.

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