Saturday, March 03, 2012

It Just Is

This is my midterm treat to self. Have you ever just walked the aisles in a book store and became engrossed in the many selections, and before you know it, a few hours have passed? I spent a lot of time in the Christian aisle and every book I picked up had some reference to a fearful God. I believe in God, but my God is loving and does not punish. I have been on this spiritual journey trying to find some inner peace. I ended up in the Philosophy section, then the psychology section. I discovered a book from the philosopher, Epictetus who lived in Rome, but was exiled by the Emperor Domitian. Some of his teachings are inspirational such as "Take a Stand", or "Wisdom is Revealed by Action not Talk". There are other teachings such as "The Soul Crys" (that is how the book spells cries) and "Stay the Course, in Good Weather or Bad". The second book is more practical about how one views real life. Godiva chocolate is just good for the soul, especially with whipped cream. Besides all that I noticed the 3/4 moon in the middle of the afternoon. The power of the universe amazes me. There it is high up in a blue sky in the middle of the day, the moon. I find myself always looking up towards the heavens, whether it be the stars at night or the early sunrise. The power of the universe is a gift. It cannot be controlled by man nor beast. It just is.

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