Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Baby Edwin Schroeder

Son of Charles and Mary Mervine Schroeder born 4/10/1914 and died 9/30/1914 at Samaritan Hospital at age 5 months and 20 days old of acute gastroenteritis. At the time of death, the family resided at 3920 Gordon Street and the attending doctor was Albert Beck. Edwin was interred in Mechanics Cemetery on October 3, 1914.

The United American Mechanics and Daughters of America Cemetery was founded in 1848-1849 and situated on approximately 8.50 acres, consisting of 3,250 lots, and originally located at Islington Lane and 22nd Street in North Philadelphia (about 22nd & Diamond Sts.) The cemetery sold lots to Order of American Mechanic members, their family and friends. Bodies were removed to Frazer Pa. in 1951.
Mechanics in 1950

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