Friday, August 03, 2012


“Understanding is the first step to acceptance, and only with acceptance can there be recovery.”
J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Such a simple statement with a huge meaning. When you know acceptance is the answer to finding peace and contentment, the journey to finding it is the most difficult journey filled with hills and valleys, mountains and cross-roads. The journey is filled with fear and pain with an occasional day of joy and happiness and with the journey comes two choices; survive or die.

To love and lose to some is far better than not to love at all. What does that mean "to love"? Is it the ability to hold on despite the odds? Is it the ability to let go? Is it the ability to place one's self first?

I read a quote last night that spoke about when all the insanity and fear becomes so intense that one stops dead in their tracks and shouts, "enough". Does that mean one has finally had enough and refuses to compromise integrity? Does it mean one has come to the cross-road that shows clearly the route to acceptance vs. internal agony? Does it mean, the opportunity to go on presents itself? Does it mean one is ready to throw hands up in the air and give up?

Stop trying to control a situation that is beyond one's ability. Let it hurt. Feel the fear. Allow the void to go empty. Embrace the pain. Then, put it in its place. Perhaps on a shelf somewhere because unless one learns to let go, there is no ability to more forward. One remains stuck. Is the process as fast as we want it? No. It is a slow journey to climb those mountains or make a decision at that cross-road.

The life I am living was never the life I envisioned. I was blessed with many gifts. I also suffered severe loss. The loss seems to supersede the gifts this day. It all comes down to acceptance. When one comes to the road of acceptance, the pain stops. The fear goes away. Detachment occurs. One can finally move on.

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