Thursday, September 06, 2012

St. Louis Cemetery #1

There is no place in New Orleans where you can see the influence of West African VooDoo, French and Spanish Culture and Catholicism all wrapped up in one. I mentioned in an earlier post how I felt walking the grounds of this old cemetery. I felt evil that was so powerful, I had to get out of that cemetery. Maybe it is the spirits of all those who died in Yellow Fever Epidemics? Maybe it is the VooDoo. Maybe it is the fact that the custom here is slow cremation in the above oven like tombs? I wrote earlier that a body stays in the tomb two years then is removed from its coffin and placed in a bag then placed on the side, so another coffin can be interred. I can only say, there was an odor in this cemetery that reeked of death and as in other places of rest, I did not have the feeling of peace, This place made me uncomfortable and that says alot for a cemetery walker.
VooDoo Queen's Tomb.

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