Thursday, October 11, 2012

My Political Viewpoint

I am pro-religion, anti-bureaucracy, pro-military, pro-business, pro-personal responsibility, against big government and see it as wasteful and an obstacle to getting things done. If you start a business and your business becomes successful as a result of your hard work, why the hell should you be taxed because of the irresponsibility of others. I paid my way through college, while worked long hours, paid health, dental, home, rental, liability, short/long term disability, car insurance while others purchased 75,000 dollar cars or took out mortgages they could not afford and turn around and blame government and expect a hand-out. I resent giving my hard earned money to those who are financially irresponsible. I have no time nor patience for the "woo is me crowd". Get off your ass, cut back, take responsibility. This current government enables people. Why hate the rich for their hard work? I see so much rhetoric and jealousy, it makes me sick. Tax the rich to support the poor/middle class. How about they get off their ass and educate themselves, so they can work. I will not even get into the foreign policy or the fact that Navy Seals along with an ambassador from our country was murdered and thus far, I see no real action being taken. Let this go and we can expect another 9/11. Obamacare is a disgrace. I researched the pros and cons. If things do not change and people do not get their heads out of their ass, I will not be the one who said, "I told you so". I do not do stupid well. I never did. But, I sure as hell will not remain silent.

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