Saturday, June 08, 2013

Simply Tired

Do you ever just get tired? Tired of waking up each day to facing a life with various roller coaster rides. I guess it is better than the merry-go-round where you spin in circles never to know if you can get off. The roller coaster has its ups and downs, it thrills and chills and at times you just want to scream until your lungs collapse.

I am tired. It is easier to give up than to keep going. Sometimes, I just want to throw in the towel. I do not want the roller coaster ride any longer. Maybe I want to trade in the roller coaster for the sky ride where you move along at a steady, but slow pace and can take in the wonder of the world below.

If I left this world tomorrow, I would be ready. I doubt others would be ready, but I am so tired of the climb that I want to sit upon the rock on the side of a mountain, and stare at the stars. I wonder if only then would I find peace.

And for all those who are appalled at this post, get over it.

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