Wednesday, August 07, 2013

He Keeps Me in Flowers.

I am very lucky to be married to this man who never forgets, is always there, loves me dearly, unafraid to show affection, is my greatest support, shares his wisdom and keeps me in flowers. 

"Over time I have learned that just because someone pushed my buttons, it did not mean that I had to respond. Just because they said it, does not make it a fact. We only give it importance when we justify, defend or respond. I can truthfully say that exercising the option not to respond when provoked is one of the hardest things I have ever done. I want to get my two cents in. I don’t want them to think they can get away with anything. I have learned that false pride pushed me to engage in foolish arguments in the first place. Now I try to give myself enough time to ask myself  "How Important Is It? " Usually when I do that, I find it is not that important after all."

There is a Proverb(26:4) that says Don’t answer the foolish arguments of fools, or you will become as foolish as they are.

We will be on the rode again this weekend to celebrate my eldest grandchild's birthday and spend quality time together and in the process continue to make memories. To vacation with a grandchild is to see life through young eyes and to share wisdom and love.............

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