Friday, December 13, 2013

Week in Pictures

I did not take very many pictures this past week on my I-Phone. Most of the week, I wore snow boots. The first day I wore the boots, I packed along a pair of flats to change into after I got to work. Well, I never changed into them and they still sit on the book shelf in my office, I wonder how long they will remain on that shelf. Ask me in the spring,

The reason I wore snow boots all week has to do with, "well". Snow.

It appeared fast and furious last Tuesday and really took me by surprise as I drove into work. Well. Tried to drive into work. This was my view from the dashboard. I tried to drive down Ridge Pike but got stuck before Church Rd behind a group of slip sliding cars. I cut down a side street and texted my first "Help" at 745am exactly 45mins after I left my home. (my total drive is less than 30mins) I made it to Germantown Pike and the hill near Chestnut Hill College was as far as I got. More. Cars. Stuck. On. Road. After another hour, I managed to turn the car around and slipped slide all the way down the hill. I will not mention all the hoping and praying on my way down. I made it to a side street where the Northwestern Stables are located pulled the car into a spot and took my first breath in two hours. I texted work. Called work. Sat on the side of the road in the cold snow until I called my husband who was stuck on the turnpike outside of King of Prussia then turned around and picked me up in his 4wheel drive.

Needless to say, I never made it to work and after a four hour ordeal was safely home looking at this view.

The next morning Bill drove me (630am) to the stables where I stood taking pictures of horses playing in the snow while Bill dug the car out. I am nice like that!

Yesterday my mom sent me a Christmas card with a check inside. Mom and Dad are going to Ireland with us in the spring. I knew she was sending me a check for her part of the hotel rooms so I had to laugh when I read this note inside.

Finally, I bought that little Christmas Tree at Whole Foods tonight. You remember the one I picked up then put back? Tonight, I saw it again and decided to buy it. Josh and Lynee are spending the day with us tomorrow so now we have both food and a tree.

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