Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Week in Pictures

I feel so different this holiday season than the last few years. I even purchased a poinsettia. It sits on my dining room table.
I also purchased a  pine bouquet to add a wintery scent to the room.

Josh and Lynee spent last weekend with us to celebrate Christmas. I decided to do something different this year. I am spacing out the holiday. I had Josh and Lynee over last weekend. I will have Shaun, Trish and the boys over for breakfast this weekend and either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day I will spend time with Joey. 
Josh's new eye candy is a Christmas Gift. I believe it is the year of sneakers and boots this year.

Josh and Lynee went home with a few bags filled with gifts.

I pulled out the Nativity Scene.

And the Christmas snowmen.

And created the Christmas Corner.

This morning was the fourth snow storm we had this year.

My view from my office window.

Christmas is different this year. I spread out the season and accepted every invite to spend time with my wonderful family and friends.

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