Wednesday, May 03, 2006

United 93

I saw the movie tonight and for those of you who are debating over whether or not to see it, I advise you to see it. I sat on the edge of my seat with that horrible stomach nausea only nerves can give you. You will be mad. You will be sad. But you will come away from this movie with a better understanding of what went on that terrible day in our country's history called 9/11.

I remember that day as though it were yesterday. I was working at the hospital and in the patient waiting room was a television. A special report came over the television showing one of the twin towers in New York on fire. At that point, it was still unknown what caused the fire. Many thought it was from a small plane. As I stood watching the report unfold on the news, I watched in horror as a second plane crashed into the second tower. I remember turning around to my coworker Melissa and asking her if she just saw what I thought I saw, a plane crashing into the second tower. She said yes.

Everyone at the hospital gathered around the television and continued watching the news reports unfold. Third plane crashes into the pentagon. Fourth plane crashes into a field in Western Pennslyvania. First tower falls. Second tower falls. The rest of the day became a blur.

The drive home was quiet. There was not a car on the otherwise busy road. The only sound heard was fighter jets as they flew patrol in the sky. Center City Philadelphia was evacuated. Cell phones did not work due to an overload of calls being made.

September 11th, 2001 will always be in the foremost section of my mind.

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