Friday, May 04, 2007

A Regular Day At The Office

A few days ago while Bill was speaking to me "via" cell phone during his lunch break outside of his place of employment in center city Philadelphia, he walked away from the bench he was sitting at to get better phone reception.

In the course of doing so, he mistakenly left his backpack on the park bench.

Now, this is a bench right outside Independence Hall. You know, that very important historical site where the Liberty Bell stands.

Also it appears it is a place of "Heighten Terror Alerts" because when he realized he had left this backpack behind he went back to retrieve it only to find several Park Rangers with a Bomb Stiffing Dog.

Yeah, you read right, A BOMB STIFFING DOG.

When he told them it was his bag and not a terrorist's bomb, they responded by asking for a photo ID. After showing them his ID, they told him he could have come back for his bag earlier before they had to SPEND FOR THE DOG.

1 comment:

Holli said...

What a sad sad world we live in!