Wednesday, September 05, 2012

Final Pictures for Day One

The next picture is fitting for this city.
Though it could be just the name of a drink.
Of course, Jazz.
This cafe also has yummy Mango frozen drinks. It is directly on Bourbon Street across from our hotel.
As was the case in Italy, I spent alot of time looking up as most of the French Quarter Houses have iron balconies.
You come across the most interesting old houses when you walk off to the back streets away from the tourist traps. There is one advantage of being here before, you know what to avoid. The last time I was in New Orleans was in April 2001. I stayed at a Sheraton on Canal Street. I was married to Joe at the time and he was at the convention center for business so I spent my days wondering the streets alone. I love to explore. This trip is with my husband, Bill. He picked the spot, hotel and here we are.
The next few pictures really are very European.

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