Monday, July 22, 2013

New Begininngs

It is a new day. It is a new beginning. I got up before dawn this morning, made my coffee and took a cup out onto the balcony, sat and watched the sun rise. I heard the birds. I felt the breeze upon my face and I thought today is going to be a new beginning. I am going to take a break at work instead of working through lunch. I am going to try and work an eight hour day instead of staying until every single thing is completed. I am going to the gym and maybe the pool. I closed down FB last night because I was playing too many games, reading status quotes and realized I am reading less books, writing less, relaxing less and I am too tuned into social media.

Nothing changes until something changes.

I need less racing thoughts, more rest, sleep and some sort of balance in my life. I have to stop looking for it on the outside and start looking for it on the inside. All the things I know. All the things I have not done. I read this morning the Duchess is in labor. It looks as if she will have her baby today, my son's 30th birthday.

Happy Birthday Joe!

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