Tuesday, December 03, 2013

Resentment to Forgiveness

By holding on to our resentments we lose control and power. Ever notice how easy it is for the people we resent to jerk our chain and stir up negative emotions in us? Resentments are like a ball and chain that we drag around our prison of bitterness and self-pity. It marks the spot were our pride, ego or self-esteem has been grievously wounded. That wound festers and grows like a poison inside of us, and that all consuming obsession bleeds over into our other relationships 

Being vindicated,  revengeful or getting even can consume us. The more I thought about what they did, the more it fed my resentment. It tainted every thing in my life. It made daily living miserable.
What I have learned is that the pain from resentment is not a life sentence unless I choose for it to be. Neither does it mean that things can be mended or even that they should be mended. Whether it is mended or not we move on from the pain through forgiveness. It is the only way we can take off that ball and chain.
1 - Is a change of attitude.
2 - Choosing not to be a victim.
3 - The ability to move forward.
4 - Does not mean I have to have that person/people in my life.
5- Is a sense of freedom and acceptance.

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