Wednesday, October 11, 2006

PA, DE, MD, DC, VA And Back Again

We began our trip to Washington DC last Friday afternoon as the wind blew and the rain fell. This trip usually takes a total of three hours but not that afternoon. It took us five and a half hours through rotten weather, backed-up traffic and our inability to find the hotel located just South of Washington DC's Key Bridge in Arlington. VA.

And it was during this "drive from hell" that I decided the worst state to drive through is the smallest state of all, Delaware.

But after a good night sleep in feathered beds with down comforters, we awoke early to a buffet breakfast and began our day exploring this place called DC. I have not been to DC since before the events of 9/11 and I was amazed how drastic things in the Capitol city changed since my last visit there.

The Hotel Workers, Parking Attendants and Museum Employees were mostly Non-English speaking folks of Indian, Arab or Spanish descent. This made it especially difficult to ask even the simplest question such as where the restaurant was located in the hotel.

Another noticeable change was the Museum security. Entering the museum meant having your bags searched and walking through metal detectors. Then there was the general security of the entire city itself. Many streets were blocked off and barriers placed outside of every Federal building making parking extremely impossible and many tourist areas inaccessible. We spent more time driving in circles then touring the famous monuments we planned to see. When we finally did find a parking garage, we walked miles to reach our destination.

Sadly the city that my own sons explored with wonder and abandonment years ago will never be experienced in the same way with my grandsons. But all in all we made the best of a very frustrating situation and having the ability to watch my grandson Shaun learn and explore was truly a joy in itself.

Though the drive down to Washington DC was long and tiring, Shaun was exceptionally well- behaved. He loves going on vacation with us and loves the traveling experience whether it is by air-plane or car. And I do not know any other kid who loves staying in a hotel more especially one with a buffet breakfast and an indoor pool.

Having a buffet breakfast meant he could choose whatever he wanted. He especially enjoyed having his chocolate milk served to him in a wine glass. Lunch and dinner was another story. On Friday and Saturday, he ordered chicken tenders and onion rings for both lunch and dinner. When Sunday's dinner came around, I asked him to order something different. He ordered pasta with sauce and ate the left-overs for breakfast on Monday. (he stayed with me an extra day because Monday was a school holiday)

Shaun is a very extroverted five year old. Everywhere he goes he makes friends and the hotel pool was no exception. He made a friend named Sean whose father was a Navy Seal. Shaun was not impressed. He told the man that he was going to be a Marine just like his Dad. The guy replied by telling Shaun he was once a Marine but became a Navy Seal because being a Navy Seal meant he could get more girls. Again, Shaun was not very impressed. This Navy Seal would have had better luck using that line on Nikolas. (we all know he loves the girls)

The last day of our Weekend we spent walking the grounds of Arlington Cemetery. We could have taken the Tour bus but we decided to walk the grounds instead so that we could appreciate its serenity even more. We went to the tomb of the unknown soldier and then off to President Kennedy's grave where the eternal flame stood flickering in all its glory. Hard to believe it has been forty three years since his death.

The drive back home was uneventful with the exception of driving through that "nightmare traffic state of Delaware". Shaun was not ready to go home so I called his father and asked if he could stay the night at my house since he was off school the following day. That evening we watched cartoons in the back bedroom where Shaun laughed out loud at every antic made on television. In between laughs, he felt it necessary to point out then count every mole on my face and neck. When Bill rubbed some of that "old lady smelling" Ben Gay on my sore shoulder, Shaun was shocked that I called myself an "old smelling granny". He corrected my mistake by telling me I was not a granny but a Mom Mom because granny's were OLD. (I think I will keep this kid)

Next post will be the photo tour...............................

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